Ans: A flight can be booked by visiting the website. You get to choose a trip category with the names of the origin and destination airport with other flight details. Otherwise, you can conduct a reservation on call over .
Ans: A check on the airline is available from 24 hours to 2 hours before a flight scheduled departure. The hours of check-in could be varied as per international and domestic flights. You can check in over an airline app, online, kiosk, curbside, and counter at the airport.
Ans: A boarding pass could be received after completion of check-in. You can obtain a printed as well as an e-boarding pass depending on the check-in mode. If you lose your boarding pass or update your itinerary, then you can reprint it from the airline counter at the airport.
Ans: The minimum requirement of passengers to travel in a group on the same itinerary is 10. An infant traveling on a lap might not be considered. If you need more group booking information, then contact us at .
Ans: No, you cannot transfer your booking to another person. But you can change your itinerary, including date, flight, and name. You can perform those requests by paying an additional amount except for certain conditions.
Ans: No, you cannot travel with a pet without any prior intimidation to the airline. To bring a pet on a flight, you may have to inform the airline and accompany them with their laid guidance. For more information on pets, could you ring us on
Ans: No, you could not have to pay for an infant. If an infant is traveling on your lap and, the age has to be under 2 years. When an infant turns 2 years old during the trip then, you may have to get a seat for the remaining journey. If you travel with more than one, then you may have to purchase an additional flight ticket.
Ans: A special service for a flight could be requested prior to the flight departure. So, the request can be addressed by submitting a special assistance form online. If you are traveling with your own equipment, that also needs to be notified. To obtain more details, you can call .
Ans: You can check your baggage details by scrutinizing purchased flight ticket rules. When you find it difficult, then you can also use the “baggage calculator” from the airline's official sites. If you have to carry more, then by paying additional charges, you can bring it to a flight.
Ans: Yes, you can change your name on the flight ticket. A name change up to a certain character can be conducted free of cost, and if you have to make more changes, then you might have to pay a fee. The names on an itinerary can be changed but cannot be transferred to another person.
Ans: A seat on a flight can be selected at the time of reservation, during check-in, and by manage trip options. An advance seat can be selected if a seat is available on a flight. If you need aid, then get to us at .
Ans: The Payment methods accepted over “Travomint” are present in numbers such as American Express, Master & Visa Credit/Debit cards, bank transfer, and Discover Cards.