How can I get my money back from Cathay Airlines?
  • 13 Aug, 2024
  • Travel tips
  • Travomint

How can I get my money back from Cathay Airlines?

Cathay Pacific, popularly known as Cathay Airlines, is a well-known international air carrier based in Hong Kong. The airline offers flexibility in its flight offerings, making it suitable for passengers to make bookings with them without worrying if any modification is required. In an unforeseen situation, if a person finds themselves in need of canceling a ticket, a refund will be permitted as long as the ticket cancels with the airline policy. Additionally, Cathay Pacific returns the customer's money when a flight cancellation is made from their side. This article covers all the important information that will help you get your money back from Cathay Airlines and help you understand the conditions.

Policies for getting a refund at Cathay Airlines

On numerous conditions, a person is permitted to ask for a refund at Cathay Pacific. Refer to the following policies to learn about the condition of a refund at this airline:

  • Those who cancel a flight before departure time will only be allowed to get the ticket refund. Otherwise, the full fare amount will be forfeited.
  • When a ticket cancellation happens within 24 hours of the booking time, a full refund will be guaranteed as long as the departure date is later than 7 days.
  • A ticket canceled later than 24 hours of booking will be refunded after the deduction of service charges.
  • Cathay Pacific cannot help passengers with the refund claim who have purchased the ticket from a third party.
  • When Cathay Airlines cancels a flight, it offers a full fare refund to each reservation holder using the original mode of payment.
  • The refunds at Cathay Pacific take a minimum of 7 days to credit on the account.
  • A cash or cheque payment for flight tickets would be refunded in 14 days after its cancellation and refund application.
  • Those tickets booked through credit points will only be refunded in terms of credit.
  • Rewarded tickets are not permissible for a refund.

Methods of applying for a refund at Cathay Airlines

There are distinct methods of getting your money back from Cathay Airlines, which are described here:

1. Filling a Refund Form

You can obtain a refund form online to fill out with the details of the canceled flight ticket, personal information, and payment details. Access the refund form and request to get your money back with the airline by using the following procedure:

  • Visit the Cathay Airlines homepage on your browser,
  • Select the option of "Contact Us and FAQs" given at the bottom,
  • Look for the "Request a Refund" option on the forwarded page to select,
  • Select the appropriate option on the page for which you need the refund,
  • On the next page, you will receive the refund form to fill out,
  • Send the request to Cathay Airlines by clicking the "Submit" key.

2. Contact the Help Center

When it comes to getting assistance regarding a new booking or an existing one, the Cathay Airlines help center team is always available. A person can contact them to request a refund under suitable conditions. The official who connects with you will first take the flight details to check eligibility and then proceed with submitting your refund request. Follow the below process to connect at the help center and submit the offline refund request:

  • First of all, dial the help center number of Cathay Airlines: 1 (833) 933-2244,
  • You have to select the appropriate key to connect with an official person,
  • Once an official is available on call, you can request a refund request submission,
  • Further, provide all the necessary details to the official so the request can be submitted,
  • Cathay Pacific will share an email after the refund request submission.

3. Request on WhatsApp

Cathay Pacific has also provided support on WhatsApp so that customers can easily obtain assistance regarding any inquiries, queries, or claims. So, a person who would like to get their money back on a ticket cancellation can approach an official on WhatsApp. The WhatsApp number of Cathay Pacific is +852 2747 2747, and it is available for the whole day. Deliver a text to request a refund from them. As an official is available to assist you, share the ticket details and payment mode details. By gathering all the necessary information, the official will submit the request claim to Cathay Pacific, and you will get an email for confirmation.