How much is Liquid Allowed in Check-in Baggage at Turkish Airlines?
  • 18 Jun, 2024
  • Travel tips
  • Travomint

How much is Liquid Allowed in Check-in Baggage at Turkish Airlines?

Things to learn about fluids to carry on Turkish Airlines flights.

Traveling without having drinks is not fun, and when it comes to bringing your favorite drinks on the plane, it has been seen many times that on the security checks, they are not allowed to bring personal drinks on the plane. Well, this is a very common situation, and when you travel on Turkish Airlines, there are certain guidelines that you need to follow before taking your drinks or any fluids on the plane. You will find these guidelines below this line. 

Turkish Airlines Guidelines for carrying liquids on the plane.

  • The regulations for carrying liquid may vary across airports. At one airport, you can find the maximum limit is 100 ml, whereas the limit may increase at others.
  • Hand sanitizers or similar liquids may be hazardous to passengers in the aircraft. Hence, the cabin crew of turkish airlines provides hand sanitizers to travelers, so there will be no need for travelers to carry thier own hand sanitizers or similar liquids. 
  • In case you are traveling with any liquid material, then it must be packed in a vacuum and sealed so that the liquid doesn't get spilled. 
  • Some liquid medicines are restricted, so there may be a requirement for special permission to travel. 
  • As per the rules, a maximum of 5 liters is allowed per head. 

How much liquid is allowed in check-in baggage at Turkish Airlines?

Water bottles are allowed, but in case you want to carry other liquids, the current restrictions for liquids in different countries are up to 5 liters, where the capacity must not exceed one liter, which means there can be five containers of one liter. Aerosols and gels must be contained in 100ml transparent plastic bags. 

Is Turkish Airlines strict with liquids?

Turkish Airlines is very strict about the safety and convenience of its passengers, so it is strict about carrying liquids in its hand baggage. They have made certain rules that every passenger needs to be taken care of while carrying any fluid on the plane. Turiksh offers flexibility in carrying liquids that are sealed adequately in transparent containers and labeled. You must check their restriction page to learn other important information before traveling. 

How many liters of liquid are allowed in checked baggage?

One can carry liquid in their checked baggage that must not exceed the allowed limit on their fare. The maximum amount of liquid for anyone is five liters, but there is a condition that liquid must be separated into one liter of sealed packed containers of a maximum of one liter. 

What is not allowed in check-in baggage on Turkish Airlines?

There is a range of items and liquids that are not allowed in your check-in luggage. Here is a list of liquid items prohibited in Turkish Airlines' cabins. 

  • Carrying of flammable liquids in the cabin or cabin luggage is prohibited.
  • Liquids containing alcohol are allowed, but only if they are within 100 ml of this amount will they not be permissible.
  • If there's an alcoholic drink that you are carrying, it must contain less or up to 70% alcohol.
  • Turkish Airlines has a maximum capacity of 5 liters per passenger.
  • For liquid items like perfume, deodorant, or solutions with container sizes of more than 100ml.
  • If there is more than one set of 100ml liquids, they must be kept in one liter of zip-lock bag.
  • Any inflammable liquid fuel will not be permissible to bring on the plane.  There is a risk of catching and having casualties. 

Can I carry shakes on Turkish Airlines?

Flights operated by Turkish Airlines do not allow any thick layer of liquid, which is not transparent due to security reasons; thus, any kind of shakes are restricted. On the other hand, some juices are allowed, but they must be transparent, sealed, and packed in a sill-free container bag.

Are liquid items allowed in my cabin?

Turkish Airlines allows passengers to carry shampoo or other liquids up to 100ml. Remember to store your liquid in a one-litre plastic zip-lock bag. 


On this page, you will find essential information about fluids to carry on Turkish flights. Hopefully, you have gone through this page thoroughly and learned it. If you have more queries and need information regarding guidelines for carrying fluid in the plane, then you can immediately contact Turkish Airlines customer service and ask them out.