What are the safest places to travel to in Bangladesh?
  • 27 Jun, 2024
  • Travel tips
  • Travomint

What are the safest places to travel to in Bangladesh?

There are many travelers who, before deciding "Bangladesh" as their travel destination, are concerned about their safety. Since there are many who are confused about whether this city is safe to explore or not. If you are also puzzled and wondering, "How safe is Bangladesh for tourists?" then you must note that though Bangladesh is not as safe as other countries of Asia, there are still many places that can be explored safely by taking care of some basic safety guidelines. Since the country has witnessed nasty incidents over the past, travelers must always take precautions during their trips. In the following section of the article, we present the safest and best places in Bangladesh to explore. You are recommended to go through the details and make the most out of your trip.

The Safest places to explore in Bangladesh

Those who are considering visiting Bangladesh can refer to the following safest destinations to explore:

  • Sylhet:This destination is known to be one of the safest areas of Bangladesh to explore. Travelers can also expect help from he local residents as they are generous and courteous. Travelers are always recommended to dress modestly and stay cautious. You must prohibit visiting unknown places at night, and if you are visiting any destination, keep your valuable things carefully. It will be helpful if you familiarize yourself with the locals.

  • Cox's Bazar:This destination can also be put on the bucket list by travelers who wish to explore safe places in Bangladesh. You can come across security forces at many popular tourist places such as beaches. Travelers can also find themselves secure visiting the well-reputed restaurants and cafes. There are many places that have maintained security to maintain their goodwill as a large number of foreign travelers come and explore these places.However, travelers must be aware of the basic safety standards, follow guidelines, dress accordingly, and take care of the local customs.

  • Dhaka: This megacity of Bangladesh is situated in the central part. You can find a number of spiritual attractions, beautiful museums, and other tourist attractions in Dhaka. Though there are several destinations that must be considered while visiting Dhaka, some of the most common are the Bangladesh National Museum, Nandan Park, Khan Muhammad Mizra Mosque, and Lalbagh Kella. Apart from this, you can enjoy a boat ride in Dhhaka at Buriganga.

Places to Travel in Bangladesh:

There are numerous Places to Travel in Bangladesh, Travelers who wish to travel to Bangladesh must go through the following important destinations and make their trip totally worthwhile.

  • Khulna is one of the most suggested options for travelers as it is popular with its lush foliage, number of traditional shophouses, and one of the most beautiful and best skylines. If you are looking for a city that comprises a wide range of mountains and beaches, then that vibrant city must be your go-to destination. You can come across contemporary art galleries, numerous religious centers, and different boutiques. Some of the most famous places to visit in this city are Shait Gumbad Mosque, Ron Jaipur Mosque, and Tomb of Khan Jahan Ali. By paying a visit to Bagerhat Museum you can come across the rich history of this city.
  • Rajshahi is a beautiful city of Bangladesh is situated on the plains of the Padma River. The place is located near the Bangladesh-India border. If you succeed in visiting this destination, then you will come across phenomena architecture and cobblestone streets. Tis city consists of a number of colorful buildings and picturesque destinations. The best places that can be explored during a visit to Rajshahi are the Varendra Research Museum, Hardinge Bridge, and Paharpur Buddhist Bihar.
  • Travelers can also explore the Sundarbans, which holds the largest mangrove forest in the world.
  • You can also explore the enchanting beaches and enjoy water activities on your trip to Bangladesh.
  • Also, explore Srimangal on trip-to Bangladesh.

Tips to stay safe while exploring Bangladesh:

Now that you are already aware of the best and the safest places to explore in Bangladesh, you must also take note of the following important tricks to avoid any issue during your trip:

  • Always be aware of the place in detail you are visiting.
  • Never roam around any place alone, especially during the night.
  • Travelers must pay proper attention to their dressings.
  • They must limit themselves from engaging in an argument with any other person.
  • Since there can be cultural conflicts, do not make unnecessary remarks.
  • Do not leave your belongings or valuable luggage unattended.
  • Try to families with the locals to gather more information about the pace.
  • Do not visit isolated locations.

Conclusion:The information presented above must be taken into account by the travelers who are planning a trip to Bangladesh. Also, prepare your trip wisely and take note of the safety standards to get away with any trouble. In order to avoid any unpleasant event it is recommended that you plan a trip to Bangladesh in a group and avoid solo travel.